Saturday 29 November 2008

Red Planet Scriptwriting Prize

Survivor seems to be the key word for me this week, as I received notification that for the second year running my script was not shortlisted for this wonderful prize; positive footnote, 1) they let me know 2) they personalised it with the name of my script.  I thought this was a nice touch as in most cases of non-selection you are left wondering if your work is just propping up a wonky desk somewhere, or acting as a doorstop.  Onwards and upwards.  Like the true pro that I hope I am becoming I shall learn from it, revisit the concept and structure, along with the dimensions to my main character's arc and hold onto the fact that I have managed to secure a couple of writing 'gigs and talks' for 2009.  Also, my good friend and editor Gilli, would like two more articles from me for early 2009.  Yayy... 

I am also planning the 2009 film networking event I currently run called 'Prequel to Cannes' by way of a ruthless review, including the full title.  It needs to be ramped up with more heavyweight opportunities for those looking to move their careers forward, so between myself and some of the film agencies and organisations, we are hoping to provide a more focused, industry led event.  Watch this space.  

I guess the lesson this week is 'How to survive and enjoy it'...  
Next week I shall be feeling sorry for myself as I will be in hospital on Monday having a tooth extracted under general.  (Unless of course they said under the General... in which case I shall start worrying now).

1 comment:

james said...

commiserations on the prize, but remember the old saying 'what doesn't kill us makes us stronger' talking of which will be thinking of you on Monday when you are 'under the General'
Hope all goes well